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Safe Buildings for Chemical Storage

When it comes to any type of chemical storage, it’s important to have the safest and most secure space to keep it in. Whether it’s keeping the chemicals separate from each other or out of harm’s way, it will be imperative that the structure it goes in be reliable and durable. This is where steel structures come in! Prefab steel buildings are probably the best option when it comes to spaces where you plan to store chemicals of any kind, and it’s important especially since our buildings are likely to meet or far exceed safety codes and requirements. Here are just a few reasons why steel structures are perfect for chemical storage buildings.


No matter what types of chemicals you plan to store in these spaces, they’re all pretty sensitive and possibly even dangerous, so it’s important that they be secured and protected at all possible times when it’s in storage. One of the biggest threats to any type of chemical storage is when you’re making changes, repairs or renovations to the space. Thankfully with prefab steel buildings, not only is maintenance and repairs are kept to an absolute minimum, but they can also be easily expanded without causing too much of a disruption to the parts of the building where chemicals are being stored.

Also, prefab steel buildings are resistant to a few key things that might cause big problems for a space with plenty of chemicals in it. Our buildings are essentially fireproof, so keeping hazardous materials can be done without too much worry. Our buildings are also resistant to moisture, extreme weather and pests, all things that could potentially cause dangerous problems, especially if your structure is used to store chemicals alongside other types of areas like workspaces.


A great thing about steel buildings is how affordable they can be in comparison to construction with more traditional materials like wood or concrete. You can save up to 30% on prefab steel structures in comparison to buying the raw materials of a similarly sized building. Prefab steel structures also don’t have the associated architectural fees and won’t require any specialized contractors to complete the job. In the event that the chemicals you’re storing have to be kept at a particular temperature, you’ll also save on cooling and heating costs since steel has natural insulation, and it’s also extremely easy to put in additional insulation into your structure. Our buildings are built specifically with safety in mind, so you’re also going to have much lower insurance costs on a regular basis.

Environmentally Friendly

An important thing to remember about steel is that it’s 100% recyclable and can be easily reused for another project in the event that you want to take down your current structure. Steel buildings actually rank high on the LEED rating system, so you can even take advantage of a few cash incentives associated with having a green building. Even during the construction process, the lack of waste and waste removal will make your ecological footprint that much smaller.

For more information on our steel buildings, call us at 1-888- 449-7756

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