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Steel Building Increases – Lock in Your Price Today

Huge tariffs against Chinese, Japanese, Korean, European and Brazillian steel mills have caused American steel mills to sharply increase prices as high as 40% since January 1, 2018. Chinese steel currently has a 225% tariff against it, for example.

This in turn has caused these industries to raise prices as high as 20% since January 1, 2018

  • Auto and truck industries
  • Steel building manufacturers
  • Aerospace industry
  • Construction industry

The steel mill prices will continue to escalate as long as these tariffs remain in place.

Before the end of the year, steel mills are expected to increase their prices as high as 20%. Informed buyers are locking in their prices by making their purchases now before there are more rapid price increases by the steel mills.

Don’t wait for another price increase

Lock in Price Today

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